Funny Signs to Put Up at Work

Up at Livid Lobster headquarters we've hung a lot of funny little signs around the office. They're especially popular with people who stop by and want to tweet or share something funny, and someone asked me if they could have a few for their office.

So, I figured I'd do you one better! Here is the complete collection of funny signs that you can just print out and hang wherever you please! It took me MANY hours to create all of these, but they're all FREE for you to do with whatever you please. I would definitely appreciate you sharing the collection with others on your favorite social media sites, and nothing would make me happier than seeing a little photo of wherever you decided to put one!

You can Tweet a photo @johnpoz or share it with +John Pozadzides on Google+. Have fun!

All Employees Must Moonwalk Sign

Funny Sign - All Employees Must Moonwalk

Funny Sign – All Employees Must Moonwalk

Here's the Printable PDF version of that funny sign.


Here's the Printable PDF version of that funny sign.

Have You Seen These Droids Sign

Cut strips between the tear off tabs.

Here's the Printable PDF version of that funny sign.

Do Not Stand On Wall Sign

Here's the Printable PDF version of that funny sign.

Free Chicken Strips Sign

Cut strips between the chickens so people can tear them off.

Funny Sign - Free Chicken Strips

Funny Sign – Free Chicken Strips

Here's the Printable PDF version of that funny sign.

Vegan Vs. Carnivore Sign

Cut strips between the tear off tabs.
This one is best for an employee bulletin board. It's a two parter, so you put them fairly close so people see them both.

Funny Sign - Vegan vs Carnivore

Funny Sign – Vegan vs Carnivore

Here's the Printable PDF version of that funny sign.

Please Don't Throw Cigarette Butts Sign

Funny Sign - Please Don't Throw Cigarette Butts

Funny Sign – Please Don't Throw Cigarette Butts

Here's the Printable PDF version of that funny sign.

Tyrannosaurus Free Workplace Sign

This one requires an extra prop. A post-it note! Hang the sign on the wall, then write a number on a post it and stick it in the yellow area at the bottom!

Funny Sign - Tyrannosaurus Free Workplace

Funny Sign – Tyrannosaurus Free Workplace

Here's the Printable PDF version of that funny sign.

No Signs Allowed Sign

Funny Sign - No Notices or Signs Allowed

Funny Sign – No Notices or Signs Allowed

Here's the Printable PDF version of that funny sign.

Worst Thing About Censorship Sign

Funny Sign - Worst Thing About Censorship

Funny Sign – Worst Thing About Censorship

Here's the Printable PDF version of that funny sign.

Have You Seen This Bird? Sign

Cut strips between the tear off tabs.

Funny Sign - Have You Seen This Bird

Funny Sign – Have You Seen This Bird

Here's the Printable PDF version of that funny sign.

Lost Sign

Funny Sign - Lost

Funny Sign – Lost

Here's the Printable PDF version of that funny sign.

Like This Post Sign

Cut strips between the tear off tabs. AND make sure you stick this sign to a POST of some sort. Like a telephone pole…

Here's the Printable PDF version of that funny sign.

DRY Paint Sign

Here's the Printable PDF version of that funny sign.

Have You Seen This Dog Sign

Cut strips between the tear off tabs.

Here's the Printable PDF version of that funny sign.

Have You Seen This Flier Sign

Here's the Printable PDF version of that funny sign.

Ok, these are taking a LOT longer than I thought to get posted. So that is the first batch, and I'll post it so you guys can have at it. Then I'll add the rest over the next few weeks. So stop back for more!

And if you've got any other great ones that we should have please drop a comment below with either a link to a photo of one, or the description so we can duplicate it. Have fun entertaining your office mates!!!


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